Thursday, June 21, 2007

How biased are you?

As I was reading Gladwell's "Blink" the other day, I came across the mention of Project Implicit and the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Actually what happens here is an online test you can take about a number of subjects. The test result will tell you whether you are instinctively biased towards one of two choices... if these choices are for instance, black people (African American) and white people (European American), the test will measure the degree of your subconcious racist tendencies. They have already created versions of the test for many subjects, incl. Microsoft (the Evil Empire) vs. Open Source. Other subjects are thin vs fat, gay vs straight, etc... find the full list here.

I urge you to go take the test as more than 700 thousand others like you who did the same in the past. It's fun and you may generally find out things about yourself and why you behave they way you do.

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