Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Apple in Trouble?

You wish... but that's the name of the game among pathetic advertizers trying to catch the attention of the stereotype average surfer. Look at the message: Android Soars Past RIM and Apple. Yep. Day before yesterday some market analyst published smart phone market stats showing Android rising to a few pct points (soars! OMG) past the iPhone. Not absolute but relative growth speed. Because, in absolute numbers RIM is still number one and Apple number two, with Android far behind. It's a fact Android is speeding ahead fast with the iOS 4 being its only descent competitor in the short and medium term, that's an indisputable fact. RIM will eventually go down, want it or not, and all that's left is many smartphone hardware companies like Motorola and HTC using Android as their mobile OS.

A wee detail to remember though: yesterday's blogged market stats did not include any iPhones 4.0 in the numbers. Thus, the market stats analyst pushed the headlines like this (showing Android hegemony) for more public sensation, and everyone was 'happy' to see the experts stating that Android is the market leader in terms growth pct. This continuous Google to Apple tabloid comparisons are so bloody déja-vu. Like Microsoft vs Apple in the 80ies. What people forget is that Google ain't Microsoft. I personally don't believe in anything Google other than their 'search'... I don't own any of their stock either. Not worth it... Oh, yes, Android is used by quite a few hardware suppliers out there, who created a couple of dozen different products that use it, whereas Apple's only got 3GS and the iPhone 4.0 right now. So, 20 products used with at least four US operators vs. two phones from Apple working exclusively with ATT. And Apple haters cry GLORY GLORY HALLELUJAH! Pretty neat! Whatever. I'm still sticking to my beloved iPhone, no matter what...

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