Saturday, June 20, 2009

Facts speak for themselves... the Flemish vs the rest of them Belgians!

During the last few days, this site has got abnormally high traffic due to a post about tethering and MMS on the iPhone 3.0. Click on the Google Analytics chart left for sharper view and draw your conclusions. Here are some ideas:
- The North of the country can read English.
- The North of the country owns more iPhones!
- The North of the country has got more money to spend on 500+ euro worth iPhones!
- The North of the country is more Internet and Google active than the South...

I could go on and on for hours... To those who have never heard of Belgium, well, no worries. Only remember: the North of the country is inhabited by the Flemish (Germanic origins), whereas the South by the Wallons (rather Celtic and Latin). BTW, I am neither of them... just a stupid Greek!

Anyways, the facts speak for themselves...

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