Saturday, August 22, 2009

Of Innovation of the common people...

In an article I've been reading this morning I rofl'ed at a statement made by the author : A monoculture benefits no one in the long run, because it’s competition that drives innovation.

The subject of the blog was the fact that all iPhone competitors are lagging miles behind Apple, and the entire concept around Android is not helping the process. Android being just a software platform (like Microsoft Mobile Windows) waiting for hardware vendors to be innovative and create little marvels like the iPhone. While Android is considered somehow a descent try, hardware vendors are failing it.

And in his conclusion, out of nowhere, the author of the article sez that it's no good for consumers to just have Apple and the iPhone because: A monoculture benefits no one in the long run...etc...

The number of times I heard this in my life, if I had a cent each time, I'd be filthy rich by now. Two reasons why people feel good about making statements like this: First, it sounds cool and managerial and capitalistic and GOP-like and coming from the land of the Free. Second, because it's true. Only innovation leads to progress and the more people and companies are innovative the better for all of us.

What I don't like in that statement though is the 'hidden' innuendo - as a kinda universal truth for all seasons - that lack of competition kills innovation. Examples we typically see people referring to are totalitarian regimes that run their affairs via nationalized economies. Bureaucracy takes over and misery follows. History has proven this often to be true. Fine, I'm with you on that!

For this reason, smart-ass reporters, who can't find anything else to blame Apple about, jump to statements like "monoculture benefits no one..." It's like suggesting to us consumers: "Know dudes? Without competition, Apple will feel on top of the hill, protected by the Chinese wall, and will then stop innovating, doing no more than sucking our bucks!"

What a moron can come up with a statement like this, OMG, it's unbelievable. First of all, let's face the facts:

1. Innovation is good. It's an enabler of success. Success means dough!
2. Not all companies can do it. All companies however pay lip service to innovation, but very few out there are able to execute*. Not good to only have new ideas. You must be able to bring them to market. Ability to execute means being able to turn an idea into a product and being able to market it properly. It's execution that matters. Not just the innovative idea.

Since its inception Apple and His Jobness thrive on innovation. It's in their cell DNA. Jobs has always been redisigning the world with his ideas and visions. From computers to Pixar renderers. And he's always been able to surround himself with outstanding execution folks. Those who make it happen. From higher level managers to field workers and developers. The company is Innovation at its Best. Google sez: Do No Evil! Apple sez: Think Different! See?

So, the author of that article should think twice before throwing another Management literature stereotype statement to fill-up his blog text in the context of Apple. Because Apple doesn't need competition to continue innovating. Apple breaths with Innovation. Innovation is in Apple's lungs and blood! It goes away, Apple dies! Capice?

*Innovation is like teenage sex. Everybody's talking about it, few have tried it, but only a handful done it right!

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